Reforming is a critical step in the production of synthesis gas for many chemical processes. The type of reforming, and therefore the catalyst required, varies with the specific conditions at the plant including the configuration of the unit, the feedstock used, and the product and purity required. Süd-Chemie offers several catalysts in the ReforMax® series that are optimized for various reaction schemes, as described below.
ReforMax® 100
A pre-reformer is an adiabatic fixed-bed reactor upstream of the primary (steam) reformer. It allows greater flexibility in the choice of feedstock, increased lifetime of the steam reforming catalyst and tubes, and the option of boosting the overall plant capacity. Furthermore it allows operation at lower steam/carbon ratios. ReforMax® 100 is a pre-reforming catalyst designed to handle the entire range of hydrocarbon feedstocks, from natural gas up to and including LPGs and Naphthas. ReforMax® 100 is available in Tablet /Ring/Five hole Ring shapes both in the oxidised and pre reduced version.
Steam Reforming
ReforMax® 300 LDP, ReforMax® 210 LDP, ReforMax® 250
Selection of the optimum catalyst depends on several factors, including furnace design, severity of service, and the type of hydrocarbon processed. Our standard catalysts are ReforMax® 300 LDP Nickel on Alumina carrier available in 10-Hole Ring shape, ReforMax® 210 LDP Potassium promoted Nickel on Alumina carrier available in 10-Hole Ring shape and ReforMax® 250 Nickel and Magnesium on Alumina carrier available in 5-Hole Ring shape.
Secondary Reforming
ReforMax® 410 LDP, ReforMax® 400 GG
The optimum catalyst for an air-fed secondary reformer depends on the design of the burner and the distance between the burner tip and the top catalyst layer. If hexagonal target bricks are not used, we recommend installation of a top layer of ReforMax® 400 GG to serve as an active heat shield. This material is also ideal for a bottom active support layer where extreme short loadings are required and/or where high purity inert supports can be replaced with an active catalyst. ReforMax® 410 LDP catalyst is used for the bulk of the reactor loading.
Autothermal Reforming
ReforMax® 420
Oxygen-fed Autothermal reformers require a mixed loading of catalysts, comprising an active heat shield and a reforming catalyst of excellent physical stability and thermal shock resistance. The standard catalyst loading is approx. 5 – 10 % of ReforMax® 420 on top of ReforMax® 330 LDP catalyst.